How to use a toilet, Wilbur Sargunaraj style

Yeah, we all love travelling, but how about the sanitary facilities at your destination? Will there be enough toilets? And will I be able to use them?

Famous YouTube star* Wilbur Sargunaraj from India, probably best known for his “Love Marriage” parody or the recent collaboration with NPR for “Dunk-A-Chicken“, offers a bit of help by explaining the use of some different toilet systems for a first class toilet experience:

Squatting toilet and manual anal cleansing with water, in “the” India:

Squatting toilet and manual anal cleansing with leaves or old paper (“What if there is no water?” – “Well, you uhmm….”), Uganda:

Pedestal (sitting) toilet and automatic anal cleansing with water, in Japan

(so desu ne!)

Pedestal (sitting) toilet and manual anal cleansing with water, in the EU:

And, as a bonus, a pedestal (sitting) toilet with manual anal cleansing using paper towels – on an Airbus A380-800:

(btw: did you know that most bowls for these vacuum toilet seats come from the same manufacturer?

Not enough? Here’s from from Wilbur – enjoy!

(* i.e. “Performing Artist and global ambassador for Cultural Intelligence“)

Documentary on World’s Toilet Crisis

Rob of i360/Current TV recently informed me of this documentary by Vanguard correspondent Adam Yamaguchi who traveled to India, Singapore and Indonesia to understand why people don’t use toilets and what’s being done to end the practice of open defecation:

“An estimated 2.6 billion people, about 40% of the world’s population, have no access to toilets and defecate anywhere they can. As a result, more than 2 million people — including 1.5 million children — die from complications of chronic diarrhea.

When human waste isn’t contained or flushed down the toilet, it’s everywhere — in streets, open fields and, most dangerously, in the very water people drink. Adam investigates how countries are trying to solve an epidemic that few people want to talk about — the world’s toilet crisis.”

This documentary was aired on CurrentTV in September 2010 and has since generated quite a few interesting comments. Also includes footage on the work of the World Toilet Organization (WTO) via Jack Sim, as well as a light introduction to Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS).

use a toilet and get paid

Have you ever used a toilet and got paid afterwards?

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in India has just claimed to be doing this. From January 15th 2008 onwards, users of a local toilet system based on ecological sanitation (ecosan) principles will be paid the sum of 10 paise* for each visit.


By doing this, the Society for Community Organization and Peoples Education (SCOPE) wants to create an awareness for the value of human waste: “urine and faeces are so rich in nutrients for farm production that they are worth buying”.

The first Ecosan Community Compost Toilet in the country in Saliyar Street is functioning for the past 18 months. Every fortnight on an average 250 liters of urine is collected, the same is used for farming purposes. Already the Tamilnadu Agricultural University is studying the use of urine as liquid fertilizer for the past one year, under an MoU signed by SCOPE with the University. WASTE of Netherlands has funded, Rs. 4 lakhs for the two-year research project. (src)

Apparently, this really is the first time anywhere in the world that toilet users are being paid. What a smart approach!

* 100 paise = 1 Indian rupee = 0,01774 EUR