Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production

ecosan-urine-in-crops-100824-web-1In a collaborative process within the Sustainable Sanitation Alliance Working Group 05 on Food Security and Productive Sanitation Systems, the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) recently published a “Practical Guidance on the Use of Urine in Crop Production”.

This book gives practical guidance on the use of urine in crop production as a vital component of sustainable crop production and sanitation systems. It also includes guidance on how to start activities that will facilitate the introduction of new fertilizers to the agricultural community. This general sourcebook is for professionals, extension workers and practitioners in the field of agriculture, water and sanitation and should serve as a support tool for the development of locally adapted guideline versions.

The publication is available as a PDF (1.7 MB)

water supply & sanitation map in Africa

During a recent trip to the GTZ office of the “sustainable sanitation – ecosan” program in Eschborn, Germany, I stumbled upon the following interesting map that display various international NGOs working on water supply & sanitation issues in Africa.


download this map as a PDF (0.1 MB)

Steffen Blume of GTZ-ecosan, who created this map for his colleagues at work & agreed to share this with us, kindly asks for some feedback in return. So if you’re active or know of an active NGO within the water / sanitation sector that isn’t listed here, please directly send your feedback to Steffen Blume or kindly use the comment form below. Thank you!

new publication: guidance manual for Water, Sanitation & Hygiene in Schools

WASHguidance publication

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in schools programmes are globally recognised as essential to promoting children’s right to health. WASH in schools influences a generational change in health promotion behaviour and attitudes. If schoolchildren have access to clean and appropriate toilets, functioning handwashing facilities with soap, sufficient and safe drinking water and have developed adequate hygiene skills, they are more likely to be healthier and to positively influence hygiene practices among family members and the wider community.

This book is meant for managers and trainers involved in water, sanitation and hygiene programmes in schools, whether operating at state, district or block level. It provides information on a number of essential topics related to WASH in schools and contains relevant activity sheets.

Download (PDF; 5.6 MB)

[via IRC website]

Sanitation, solid waste and climate change

According to IPCC, the waste sector (wastewater + solid waste management) accounts for 2.7% of global Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, this does not reflect the whole truth as IPCC calculatations only take into account end-of-pipe waste management strategies neglecting the potencial of reducing, re-using or recycling waste (which applies mainly for solid waste management but also for innovative sanitation tecnologies such as anaerobic digestion and ecosan approaches).

For this reason it is important to investigate the contribution of the waste sector to GHG emissions and integrate the mitigation potential in waste management. Besides many interesting papers presented at conferences worldwide about the importance of an integrated organic waste and wastewater management and its influence on climate change, GHG emissions and the potential of CDM-projects in this field, instruments are needed that show the potential of emission reduction in the waste sector. Continue reading “Sanitation, solid waste and climate change”

new WSP publication: Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor

saniblog-publication-wsp-financing-onsite-sanitationNew publication by the Water and Sanitation Program (WSP): Financing On-Site Sanitation for the Poor – A Six Country Comparative Review and Analysis” (PDF; 2.4 MB)

Public investments of varying forms enable an absolute increase in the number of poor people gaining access to sanitation, varying from 20 percent to 70 percent, according to a study of six cases in Bangladesh, Ecuador, India, Mozambique, Sénégal, and Vietnam by the World Bank-administered Water and Sanitation Program (WSP).

This publication seeks to identify the best-performing approaches and the relevant factors and issues to consider in designing a sanitation financing strategy. The report offers guidance to sector professionals developing on-site sanitation projects and programs, which play the leading role in providing access to sanitation.

The Water and Sanitation Program is a multi-donor partnership administered by the World Bank to support poor people in obtaining affordable, safe, and sustainable access to water and sanitation services.
